Shameless Self Promotion…

OK, no modesty here, quite simply I’m patting myself on the back. Just wanted to share that one of my photos was chosen to be on the Providence & Worcester Railroad’s holiday greetings card for the 2007 season! I just got a few copies in the mail, and it came out pretty nice! Now I just need to clear off the scanner and scan it in.  Oh, yeah, and while I’m at it, the P&W is using two of my photos in their 2008 calendar, and the one they used for the card was used on December.

Didn’t get out at all yesterday, and I took today off to work on the barn (we’re moving the horse from my in-laws in Manchester this coming Sunday), so no choo-choo pictures. We’ll see how tomorrow goes – I guess it depends on how many emails I need to catch up on when I get into the office…
