Continuing with the catching up theme – here’s one from July 7th.  Managed to get out for a quick run up to Gales Ferry, catching Providence & Worcester train NR-2.  On the second stop, I also managed to catch a quick shot of New England Central train NERWNE heading north.

Another quick text post for this one.  But this post has a couple twists on old locations – most notably milepost 4 in the Gales Ferry section of Ledyard.  Otherwise it’s pretty run of the mill – NR2 at MP4 and the USS Nautilus, and NECR NERWNE across the river making their way over Smith Cove in Waterford.  The only interesting thing was I ran into fellow railroad photographer Rich Barnett at the Nautilus parking lot, and we chatted for a bit after NR2 passed by.


Thanks for looking!