FEC/PW/GMTX on the NECR with Ethanol

Last Friday another 40 loaded ethanol tanks made their way south out of Willimantic towards New London on the New England Central Railroad.  I managed to get a few shots of them in Montville and New London.  The only thing is you’d never know whose railroad it was judging by the locomotives leading the train.

As has happened in the past, the P&W has lent power to the NECR for the ethanol runs, but this time that power included one of the recently leased GMTX units.  And of course the NERWNE/608 job had the FEC 417 assigned, making a colorful power consist for this run of 40 loaded ethanol tanks.

I ended up getting them at a couple spots – first was up at the trestle spanning Horton Cove in Montville, and second was down in New London yard.  Was a kind of cloudy day, but  I managed to do pretty well with what light I had.  Plus it was the day before the time change, so it wasn’t getting dark at 4pm like it is now.  OK, enough of that, here’s the shots.


Thanks for looking!