Chirp, chirp, chirp…yep, those are crickets going at it, but I’m still here. Been downright busy lately, both at home and at work. At home, obviously we’re getting ready for Christmas – putting up and decorating the tree, out shopping, and attending Christmas parties. At work, a co-worker and I are moving into a new position (we’re the remains of the entire IT team in the plant – started at about a dozen people about a year and a half ago…now there’s two of us), my old boss just left for a new position up in Cambridge, MA, and I’m waiting to pack up and move my office into a new building for the new position. All that on top of the normal work load…grrrr… Oh, well, I’m hoping things will settle down a bit, and you’ll see some new material here pretty soon (hopefully tomorrow…cross your fingers). Stay tuned…