You may or may not have noticed, but I added a selection to the menu across the header of the page – Random Pix. It’s pretty self-explanatory – when you click the link, you’ll go to a page that displays 20 random images from the over 7,000 currently in the […]
Website Update
Sorry for the problem all you Internet Explorer users out there. Seems that something in the sidebar was goofing up the pages when viewed with IE – something I never noticed because I use Firefox. All should be back to normal now… Proof yet again that I should test on all platforms […]
You’ll probably notice the logo to the left on my website now. Well, I’ve been accepted as a contributor to the Alamy stock photography agency’s online imagery catalog! What does that mean for you? Well, not much, unless you’re looking to license my imagery. I’ll be posting some of my […]
As you can see, I’ve updated the theme a bit. I kinda like it…it gives things a different feel. Let me know if you find any errors (dead links, screwed up layouts, etc.), or something you don’t like. I’ll do my best to fix it… Thanks! Tom
Sorry ’bout the outage today. We were at a family function in Long Island, NY, and got home to blinking lights. Aparently the power went out for longer than 15 minutes – the length of time the UPS keeps things chugging along. Oh, well, shit happens. 🙂 We’re back on […]
I let the domain registration for, my original railfan site, lapse and one of those domain name extortion companies (aka a holding company) scoffed it up out from under me. Oh, well, my bad but unfortunatley it’s gone. If I get a chance, I’ll put it up as a […]