Well, they just keep coming in. I guess that’s a good thing. I was asked to fill in another slideshow, this time for the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum‘s April members meeting. This will be on Sunday April 15th at 7pm and will be in the meeting rooms at Windham Memorial […]
Yeah, Mom said it’s never nice to brag, but here’s a little bit of news. I uploaded this picture to Railpictures.net yesterday (it’s here on Railpictures.net, if you’re curious to see the comments up there). First off, it got a Screener’s Choice award (thanks screeners!). But today it’s on the […]
Well, I took advantage of two things this morning – a hole in my schedule, and a short bout of sunny weather, sporting blue skies and Simpsons-esque puffy white clouds. The target this morning was Stoddard Cove at Stoddard Hill State Park in Ledyard, CT.
What month are we in again? Seems like March is hanging on with some gloomy, raw and rainy days this week. Today wasn’t an exception with low clouds, cold damp winds and rain. But the morning did find me trackside to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 along the Thames […]
Busy, busy morning around here, so I couldn’t get out to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 at my usual spot & time this AM. But I did have a little time after lunch where I could duck out and hope for something. What I got was a nice two-fer […]
Well, today started out to be a typical gloomy Monday. Slept through my alarm this morning, so I was a touch late into work. The weather was lousy, and my morning meeting went longer than normal. So I ended up getting out of the office for my fresh air walk […]
Due to some scheduling constraints, I couldn’t get out at my usual time to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 on their southbound trip. So since I needed to head to the bank at lunch, I kept the scanner on to see if I could get lucky & catch NR-2 […]
A sunny day can’t go without pictures (yeah, neither can a cloudy, rainy, foggy or snowy day either, but you get my drift), so I headed out to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 this morning at one of my usual spots. So once I left, I fired up my […]
I was able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 this morning on their way south through Ledyard, CT. Quite the contrast to yesterday’s gloomy reflections. Today sported a bright blue sky, accomponied by deep blue water on the Thames River and Mill Cove.
I just got a request to do a slideshow for the Quinebaug Valley Camera Club to cover for a fellow Windham Photo Club member who can’t make it. All I know right now is it’s at their meeting on Thursday April 19th at 7:30 PM, and is being held at […]