Another hot day was in store today, so I made sure I headed out for my walk this morning, and not over lunch when temps were forecast to be in the 90s. I got out at my usual time and headed back to Erickson Park. I got there in plenty […]
Yeah, you heard what I said – hold on to your hat! You’ll see what I’m talking about in a minute. Anyways, I got out for my walk today at the normal time, so I headed for Mill Cove. I was hoping to get out a bit early and head […]
I posted a new photo essay over on titled Riding with a Fisheye – it’s basically a one-lens study using my 15mm fisheye lens for most of my trip with CSO-4 last month. Below is the intro – just hit the link at the bottom to be whisked away […]
Another hazy & humid day in southeastern Connecticut today, but that didn’t stop me from heading out this morning for my usual. A couple things, though, would veer today off of the “usual” path – no, I didn’t have any run-ins with any sort of law enforcement over photography in […]
Playing a bit of catchup today, so I’m rolling a quickie from Sunday in with my adventures from today. Sunday was a chance, but curious, sighting of the Connecticut Southern Railroad in Manchester, CT, and today I caught Amtrak and Providence & Worcester on my lunchtime walk, along with a […]
Last Friday I had the pleasure of riding with a crew from the Valley Railroad in Essex, CT. I wasn’t sure which locomotive would be pulling the train Friday – either the newly rebuilt 2-8-2 Mikado No. 40, or the tried and true 2-8-0 Consolidation No. 97. Once I got […]
Today I managed to get out at my normal time for my walk & (photo) shoot. But of course, things didn’t go as planned. I was going to meet young Adam Twombly & his mom up at Mill Cove prior to NR-2s typical arrival. That was the intent – of […]
Another busy day at work today kept me in the confines of the fences, so I couldn’t get out for my walk (I did get to walk to the one building that’s the furthest away from mine, so I guess that counts). So I didn’t get a chance to catch […]
Ahhh, sunshine comes back in full force again. A nice change from the dreary Monday I had yesterday. A great morning for a walk and of course some photos. Today would not only bring Providence & Worcester train NR-2, but also a regional Amtrak passing through Groton, CT. But along […]
Once again, the weather geeks had it right – cloudy, windy with rain rolling in mid-morning. What a way to start out the week. But I didn’t let that stop me from my morning walk. I headed out for Erickson Park in Ledyard at my usual time, and got there […]