Yesterday it was pouring rain, under gloomy skies. Today sported glorious cloudless blue skies. So I decided to do similar shots to yesterday’s, just to see the difference between the two drastically different weather conditions.
Not sure what made me think of this slide, but I dug it out and gave it a scan tonight. It’s of the interior of the Providence & Worcester Railroad’s observation car New Englander loaded with passengers speeding down the tracks. It was taken on October 18, 2003 on a […]
Despite the crappy weather today, I did manage to get out for a brief walk and caught Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Ledyard amongst the raindrops.
I had to come into work late today (daughters had their 6 month dentist appointment, and it’s usually a two person job), so I wasn’t able to head out for my normal walk in Ledyard. But on my way into work from the appointment in Colchester, I was listening to […]
What else is new, I’m a bit behind. At least it’s only a couple days, and not more…heh… Going back to Friday morning here – I was able to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 during my (nearly) daily walk. Still not all that much in the way of fall […]
Yep, more jack-o-lanterns. But this time I didn’t have to carve ’em! On our way home from trick or treating tonight, we stopped by R-Farm here in Lebanon. They have a tradition of carving up all the leftover pumpkins into a variety of jack-o-lanterns, then stringing them up with lights […]
I was able to take advantage of the sunshine this morning and head to Mill Cove in Ledyard, CT for my walk and photo session with Providence & Worcester train NR-2. I also got a couple extras – an Acela down on the Thames River drawbridge, and a jellyfish. Yep, […]
Happy Halloween folks. Here’s a quartet of pumpkins on our front steps. Designed by my daughters Katina & Callie, and carved by Jill & I (not very smart to trust a 4 & 3 year old with any sharp implements). [cpg_imagefixthumb:5126] Trick or treat…now where’d I put that candy… -Tom
I had to head to our family’s cottage in Old Lyme, CT last night to winterize the plumbing. Once I finished up, I headed for the beach to check out the scenery. I was greeted with a gloriously colorful and beautiful sunset. Of course I had to grab the camera […]
Well, yesterday I did manage to get out in time to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 (unlike today – I missed them completely because I couldn’t get out in time – oh, well, ya gotta strike out from time to time…). I had enough time to get up to […]