I had to head to New Jersey for the day for work on Tuesday the 15th, and since my employer canceled the air shuttle between Groton and Morristown, NJ, I figured the Acela was my best bet for travel. A bit shorter than driving down there, and a bunch easier […]
Yeah, a little behind again. Work & family stuff have their way of getting in the way of blogging… But that’s OK – at least I’ve got a quick chance to catch up. Oh, yeah, and I tweaked the blog software a bit – specifically in the realm of image […]
I had to head to Old Lyme this afternoon to do a little electrical work at my parent’s place. By the time I finished up, the sun was getting low in the sky, so I decided to swing by the Connecticut River drawbridge on my way home to get a […]
Well, today I did something a bit different. I headed down to the shore line to catch some AM action on Amtrak. Well, I got an email from a friend that the Providence & Worcester would be running an extra from New Haven to New London with some traffic for […]
Still powerful words 232 years later. If you don’t know where this is from, you need to go back and take American History 101, or at least watch School House Rock. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which […]
This past Saturday was Lebanon, CT’s annual Independence Day fireworks display. It’s usually the Sunday before the 4th of July – this year it was on June 28th. Of course, the camera & tripod came along for the evening’s festivities.
Intentions and reality do sometimes diverge, and today was one of those times. I was able to head out at my normal time to try to catch Providence & Worcester train NR-2 heading south through Ledyard. Well, as you can tell by the title of this post, that didn’t happen. […]
Another hazy, hot & humid day today. But a gap in the schedule gave me a chance to head out and hopefully catch some rail action, and possibly some blue skies peeking through the clouds. Well, I ended up with both, along with a lumber ship at the New London […]
Well, a gap in my schedule this morning let me get out for a bit into the hot & hazy morning. In the short time I was out, I caught a pair of Amtraks (one regional and one Acela), New England Central train NERWNE and Providence & Worcester train NR-2. […]
And now for part two of my coverage of the Thames River drawbridge swap out. Obviously I missed the actual swap, but I did get down to Groton the day after the span was changed. But I did get a little bonus – I caught the old span being towed […]