And here’s Part II from October 23rd. In Part I, I chased a pair of P&W jobs with Nick Palazini. Well, later that day, the weather changed to a very nice & sunny afternoon. Since I was picking up my oldest daughter from the bus, and we had a few […]
Finally getting through the backlog, and starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. A couple weeks ago I took Thursday the 23rd off from work for a couple reasons. First, my oldest daughter had a half day from school, and the youngest one had a doctor’s […]
One more from the backlog before I have to head to work. Here’s some stuff from the 21st – short version is this, an Acela and Providence & Worcester train NR-2 along a short length of the Amtrak Shore Line.
Yeah, once again I’m a bit behind on postings. Here’s some stuff from back on October 20th where I came across Providence & Worcester train NR-2, some railfans from New Jersey and Connecticut and a Virginia class fast attack submarine heading back to the US Navy Sub Base in Groton.
Well, I had to run into Willimantic last night to run a last minute errand. This was about 8pm, so usually the two New England Central jobs are in town working – one turn out of Palmer working the P&W interchange, and the south end switcher out of South Windham […]
Continuing on the catching up tasks – here’s some stuff from October 17th. I managed to catch not only Providence & Worcester train NR-2, but also a Virginia class fast attack submarine heading out to sea.
A couple weeks ago, good friend and fellow photographer Bob LaMay and I took a ride out to the Metro North Croton-Harmon shops for their annual open house. With some time limitations on both of our parts, we planned our day out, instead of using the usual “wing-it” scheduling I’m […]
Playing a bit of catch-up here. These shots are from last week – the 15th and 16th, of Providence & Worcester train NR-2 in Ledyard, Groton and New London, and a tied down New England Central train NERWNE in South Windham.
Last Friday I had to take my wife’s nephew and his friend down to Toad’s Place in New Haven for a concert. 36 Crazyfists, Trivium and All That Remains were playing. So as usual, I brought my camera along. But I left the wide angle lenses in the bag, and […]
As has been recently, I haven’t been able to get out much and shoot anything, never mind any railroad action. But I had to run to Old Lyme after work today, and the sunset was pretty nice, so I checked things out along the Shore Line. But as things would […]