Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving here in the US, and to everyone else outside the States, happy Thursday! I’ve got a bunch of photos from the last few weeks to post, so stay tuned for a slew of updates. Stuff that’ll be posted include P&W, […]
On Tuesday the 9th, unfortunately New England Central train 610 put some loaded ethanol cars on the ground in Willimantic yard. With a sick daughter home from school, and Jill working, I couldn’t get out to photograph it. But later in the evening I did get a chance to head out and […]
This past Monday evening the Providence & Worcester Railroad ran an empty ethanol extra, symboled K667, down to New London. As the timing worked out, I was able to get a quick shot of them shoving back into the New England Central yard. But I did this one a little […]
On Saturday November 6th we decided to take a ride to nowhere – no plans, no objective, just the four of us and a full tank of gas. We figured we’d head northwest – the weather was supposed to be nicer out that way. But even if it wasn’t we’d […]
Last Friday another 40 loaded ethanol tanks made their way south out of Willimantic towards New London on the New England Central Railroad. I managed to get a few shots of them in Montville and New London. The only thing is you’d never know whose railroad it was judging by […]
Monday night, New England Central train NERWNE brought 40 loads of ethanol south out of Willimantic. But instead of bringing them all the way to New London, they tied up in Montville for the night. So first thing in the morning they took the train of moonshine south to New […]
Last week on the first of November I managed to catch New England Central train NERWNE (or #608 going by the old symbol) at a couple spots in southeastern Connecticut – first was with their usual freight in the late morning through Uncasville, and another with some ethanol in the […]
OK folks, the latest edition of Trackside with TRAINS.com is up on their site, and the subject this time around is something near and dear to my heart – NIGHT! I submitted a shot from the CT Eastern RR Museum I took 4 years ago, and is probably my favorite […]
To conclude my trip home from New Jersey (first part is in this post) I had time to swing by the Valley Railroad and shoot their Halloween themed Fright Train again at dusk (my first attempt is here). But this time I decided to try something different for the two […]
Since I drove down to New Jersey this trip, I was able to shoot a little on my way back. I figured two easy stops were in order – both of which were very close to I-287. First was the Morristown & Erie shops in Morristown, NJ, and the second […]