Back on February the 8th I had to go down to New Jersey for the day (training class at work). So to avoid traffic, I hung around the area for a bit and headed north around 5:30ish, avoiding much of the traffic in the northern Garden State. Since I only […]
OK, I know, I’m behind on my posts. But I’m making it a point to catch up (thanks Rich!) and get up to date – trust me, the silence here doesn’t mean I haven’t been out shooting. To the contrary, I’ve actually been able to get out a surprising number […]
While I was taking photos on the G&U last month (previous post is here), I took one shot to contrast a shot I took back in October (that post is here). Here’s a pretty neat side-by-side, before & after look at G&U 1751’s short hood. The first one I took […]
Oops, I missed a bunch of photos from January in my one big post from a little while back. On January 22, Bob LaMay and I made our annual trip up to the Mystic Valley Railway Society’s calendar judging luncheon. And as usual, we did a little railfanning along the […]
Yeah, I know things have been a bit slow around here of late – trust me, I’ve got stuff to get through and post, and you won’t be disappointed when I do! Some of the usual stuff, along with a more unusual move or two. But in the meantime the […]
Holy crap does time fly when you’re doing nothing but shoveling snow. Yep, we’ve been inundated with snow the past month or so here in the Northeast, and I have next to no photos to show for it! But I did manage to get out a few times to shoot. So instead […]
The next edition of Trackside with TRAINS is up on the TRAINS magazine website! This time around the subject was Close Clearance, and I submitted a shot of the Grafton & Upton RR switching out Washington Mills in North Grafton, MA, where the buildings are quite close to the tracks. […]
Starting in the end of November and all through December I managed to get down to Essex and shoot the Valley Railroad’s North Pole Express trains a number of times. With the early winter sunsets, all of these trains ran under cover of darkness, which gave me an opportunity to […]
Back on the 18th of December (yes, I’m still clearing the backlog from last year) Jill, the girls & I headed west to Thomaston, CT to ride the Railroad Museum of New England’s Northern Lights Limited. It was suggested by a RMNE volunteer (thanks HP) that we make the trek […]
To wrap up the freight shots from the last part of December I’ve got a couple days worth of Providence & Worcester NR-2 shots near the USS Nautilus in Groton a week apart. One before the snow, and one after. And as you can tell by the after shots, we […]