A few from the 60 year olds in the bag

No, I don’t have someone’s grandparents in my camera bag. But rather I finally got a couple rolls of Provia developed that have been kicking around for a bit – one for almost 2 months. The older one was shot with my Rolleiflex MV-EVS f/4.5 TLR and the other was with the Graflex Pacemaker 23 Speed Graphic. And yes, I’m behind on my last two blog posts. I just recovered from a major computer malfunction (bad power supply and DIMM), but I hope to be caught up by tomorrow night.

First the ones from the TLR. They were originally taken on August 2nd. Here’s a pair of P&W train NR-2 heading over the causeway along Mill Cove in Ledyard. The first one is of the lead power pulling the train, then the second is another set of locomotives mid-train. NR-2 is about to split into 2 sections for the morning duties.

[cpg_imagefixthumb:4465] [cpg_imagefixthumb:4466]

And second was from September 21st at the same location, but shot with the Speed Graphic. This time I got the entire train in the frame, and they were kicking up dust from some freshly laid ballast.


That’s it for now. Stay tuned for my catchup posts that have nothing to do with Heinz (sorry, but that was the vodka & tonic talking).

Thanks for looking!