OK, last one to catch up on! This was after the snowstorm – which lasted from Sunday night until Monday night (don’t ask about pictures during the storm – that was a fiasco!). And the sun was shining bright on Tuesday, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to catch the Providence & Worcester speeding south along the Thames. But this day I’d get a bonus across the river.
Yep, as you can see, the New England Central was running late, and I was able to shoot NECR train NERWNE rolling north along the Thames River, with the snow covered Uncasville landscape as a backdrop. Soon after the NECR faded from view, the P&W came into the picture in the form of NR-2. I bagged the train at Mill Cove, then called it a morning. I think I came away with some decent stuff.
[cpg_album:513]Thanks for looking!