Change – something that’s for the better. Despite the fact that I instinctively abhor change, I do honestly believe in that in the end it is a good thing. But I’m not here to talk about my personal philosophy – but rather how change relates to the railroading world, and specifically recording […]
Monthly Archives: August 2011
And the final installment from my June trip to Joysey. This is another morning/evening look that happened on June 16th, but was at two of what I consider to be the “low hanging fruit” locations – Manville and Bound Brook, NJ. But since it was a Thursday, there was a […]
And on to part 2 of three of my last business trip to New Jersey. For this one, the shots were taken on one day – some in the morning before work, and some in the evening after work. And for this one, I covered both the Garden and Keystone […]
Last month I had to make another trek to the Garden State for work, and unlike the past couple trips, I actually got to get out and shoot a bit. Not as much as usual, but I did manage to make it trackside a few days. Even made it over […]
Way back on June 8th I was able to get out and shoot a bit in the morning. I intented to duck out and shoot Providence & Worcester train NR-2 along the Thames River. But as things worked out, I ended up catching two P&W jobs in the Groton/New London […]
Been a little while since I’ve posted anything from the railroad front. So to start things flowing again, I figured I’d prime the pump – so to speak – with a bunch of shots from June. Included here are a couple day’s worth of shots – one of Providence & […]