On the morning of September 11th, I asked my daughters if they’d like to come out with me to shoot an ethanol train (OK, I didn’t say “ethanol” since they’re 5 and 7, and have no idea what ethanol is). The older one said “naw, I want to stay with […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
On the day after my birthday, September 10th, I headed out in the morning for a bit to shoot a little, despite the cloudy weather. But as usual, I never let the weather conditions discourage me from shooting, and in fact, I think it helped in one case.
I decided to take the week of Labor Day off from work, and that week coincidentally also contained my birthday (it was the 20th anniversary of my 21st birthday – doesn’t make me feel as old saying it that way). And on that day, after Jill & I put the kids on […]
On September 7th, the Providence & Worcester Railroad ran an extra from Worcester, MA down to Groton, CT, and I managed to photograph it between Central Village and Groton, while running into a couple other photographers along the way. This is going to be one of the more vague posts, […]
Still getting through the backlog of stuff. Now we’re up to last Monday – Labor Day – where we did a couple family chases. Both were quite spur of the moment, but both were not successful. On the other hand, without the failure, the successful one probably would not have […]
As Hurricane Earl was approaching the east coast, the weather-geeks were doing their usual “the sky is falling – go out and buy bread and milk” hype. Looking at the track of the storm, I figured it would be prudent to change my train home from Friday evening to Saturday […]
This one is from back on September 2nd – yep, still catching up on stuff. Over my past trips down to New Jersey, I’ve met a few local railfans down there, and every Thursday a group gets together to watch & photograph trains at Bound Brook station. I figured that […]
With the days progressively getting shorter, time to shoot outside of work hours is getting limited. But that doesn’t mean I put the cameras down and not shoot. Just means I have to work with the cards I’ve been dealt. So while I was on my trip to New Jersey, […]
Last week I had to go down to New Jersey again for work, and as usual, I made my way trackside to shoot in the off hours. Here’s the first part of the week – the last two days of August.
August 27th – a Friday – graced us with some beautiful weather – and a half day at work for me. That ended up translating into two trains and a submarine that crossed in front of my lens. The odd thing was the power used on one of the trains […]